Never be Terrified of A Black Hole...
In Space: A Black Hole is a catastrophic event of a dying star after a small neutron star collapses. It affects time if a clock is hypothetically placed near a black hole. It ticks very slowly. If it was placed at the center of a black hole, it takes an infinite time to reach it. Due to time slows down near a massive object. Though, it is called a black hole.... its color cannot be seen because of light being trapped within the event horizon.
Black Holes in Space Time Continuum shows that an incredible light speed in a vacuum of an accurate 299,792,458 m/s and a four-dimensional object which is Time.
Meaningless to say that nothing can escape a Black Hole. Even though the existence of a black hole and its purpose is mass panic if ever a Black Hole is created near our solar system.
Not all Black Holes are capable of Massive Doomsday proportions.
There are wormholes: these are said to be microscopic black holes capable of being a shortcut of such very long distance of a journey.
They are black holes that has no event horizon, both emit Hawking Radiation or a radiation where the object is beyond inside of a black hole and exits as a form of energy.
One other black holes are the SMBHs or the SuperMassive Black Holes, the name itself is horrifying already. It exists at the center of the galaxy to:
A) To make the whole galaxy to rotate, if it ever stops the galaxy such as the Milky Way will freeze eternally and fast because of the cold vacuum of space because it is the same as you being in a cold office, moving constantly to generate heat, if you stay still; you will shiver.
It must also spin because if it does not spin it will be pulled towards the SMBH and resulting to a galaxy that will never come to be.
B) Sagittarius A*, a central region where an SMBH likely to be due to the presence of radio waves. It absorbs the material from its surroundings the accretion disk will heat up and be converted to the energy being used to rotate the galaxy.
White Holes are hypothetically the main opposite of a Black Hole. Although White Holes are not Black Holes
While white holes are hypothetical, they:
A) Cannot be Entered from the outside.
B) Light, Matter, and Time can all escape from it, which means everything from the inside can exit from a white hole.
C) Are the second half of a portal circuit, one is a black hole, the other is a white hole. And the entire circuit is called the Wormhole.
D) Have no Event Horizon that can suck everything.
Not all Black Holes are up to no good, some exists for a good cause.
And an unrelated question....
Black Holes in Space Time Continuum shows that an incredible light speed in a vacuum of an accurate 299,792,458 m/s and a four-dimensional object which is Time.
Meaningless to say that nothing can escape a Black Hole. Even though the existence of a black hole and its purpose is mass panic if ever a Black Hole is created near our solar system.
Not all Black Holes are capable of Massive Doomsday proportions.
There are wormholes: these are said to be microscopic black holes capable of being a shortcut of such very long distance of a journey.
They are black holes that has no event horizon, both emit Hawking Radiation or a radiation where the object is beyond inside of a black hole and exits as a form of energy.
Unfortunately, they are only theoretical. They can still exist but only at perfect conditions. It folds a region of space and connects the two at one point that it creates a passage. But, it can still be dangerous because it emits radiation of hazardous levels. And are smaller than an atom itself.
A) To make the whole galaxy to rotate, if it ever stops the galaxy such as the Milky Way will freeze eternally and fast because of the cold vacuum of space because it is the same as you being in a cold office, moving constantly to generate heat, if you stay still; you will shiver.
It must also spin because if it does not spin it will be pulled towards the SMBH and resulting to a galaxy that will never come to be.
B) Sagittarius A*, a central region where an SMBH likely to be due to the presence of radio waves. It absorbs the material from its surroundings the accretion disk will heat up and be converted to the energy being used to rotate the galaxy.
White Holes are hypothetically the main opposite of a Black Hole. Although White Holes are not Black Holes
While white holes are hypothetical, they:
A) Cannot be Entered from the outside.
B) Light, Matter, and Time can all escape from it, which means everything from the inside can exit from a white hole.
C) Are the second half of a portal circuit, one is a black hole, the other is a white hole. And the entire circuit is called the Wormhole.
D) Have no Event Horizon that can suck everything.
Not all Black Holes are up to no good, some exists for a good cause.
And an unrelated question....
What is the color of the Universe?
"The Answer is Cosmic Latte"
Very informative blog! One thing tho', post your article properly for better reading. :-)