We are within larger mysteries that surrounds us all

The Local Group that out galaxy is a part of...
Have you ever wondered where do we all live. Naturally, you will say your home or the planet Earth. Where is it located, everybody knows it's in the solar system. Where is the solar system located, many will say; at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. Then, where is our galaxy located? Some will say beside the Andromeda Galaxy. But, it is actually the Local Group (although it may need renaming). Then in turn the Local Group is inside the Virgo Cluster and in turn that cluster of galaxies; resides in the Virgo Supercluster, where about a hundred galaxy groups are composed in that large location that span of 110 million of lightyears in diameter. That is one of the millions of superclusters that comprises of the universe we are surrounded and what we could only see, called the Observable Universe.After that, scientists and astronomers are unsure where the many other superclusters reside and where that location are part of and so on and so forth.
The Virgo Cluster in which the Local Group is located
The Virgo Cluster is located at the heart of the Virgo Supercluster
As we all know, the universe has no bounds and has no limits. Therefore, it is vast and infinite. With only as much as 96% still left untouched, unexplained, and unseen to the human eyes. We have only learned so much over the course of more than 2 millennia.

To our daily lives, that 4% may not look much. But, that percentage will keep growing and the universe will never cease to show more about the unknown secrets of the universe.

As much as looking at the night sky; it will shimmer your eyes with wonder. Yearning for a dream that you will pursue and accomplish.

Scientists that always looked upon the starry night may never describe its beauty with just words and statements. Observations are better to be seen that to explain it to others. Because how hard you tell to all its properties. There will be a part that will make it unexplained.

There are lots more of generations of astronomers that are looking forward to encounter these marvelous mysteries of creation. The Earth has been apart of something much bigger and on a larger scale. And in turn that will be part of something even more sophisticated and grand. Nonetheless, our whole world has been blanketed by the universe that we want to know more of.

And maybe one day, that 96% will be fully known in the distant future we look up to, like the night sky.

